Category Archives: News & Press

Council of Christians and Jews ‘Faces of Faith’ Interview

I was very honoured to be invited to be the first person interviewed for CCJ’s ‘Faces of Faith’ series of … Read more »

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Zoom Lecture for Lincoln Business School for HMD 2022

I met Dr Craig Marsh, who is Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Head of the Lincoln International Business School at the Debrecen airport … Read more »

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‘Holocaust Education and Increasing Antisemitism: A Triptych Approach’

Article in Journal of Contemporary Antisemitism – Vol. 4.1, Spring 2021 I was very pleased to be asked by the … Read more »

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Agnes on Dan Snow’s History Hit podcast

Listen to this podcast done for Dan Snow’s History Hit website. Agnes talks about her family’s experiences in the Holocaust … Read more »

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Olympics and the Holocaust: Remembering the sportspeople lost to the ‘Final Solution’

Jud Simons knew of her fate long before the Nazis took her. It had barely been a decade since she … Read more »

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Agnes’ Honorary Doctorates from Sheffield University and Oxford Brookes University 2018

On 12 January 2018 I was very honoured to be awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Letters by Sheffield University for … Read more »

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Sir Martin Gilbert CBE 1936-2015

Sir Martin Gilbert CBE 1936-2015 I was very saddened to hear of the death of Sir Martin Gilbert, the eminent … Read more »

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Women of the Holocaust – Article from the Yorkshire Post, 14 February 2018

“There is nothing like knowing that someone wanted to kill you when you were a tiny baby to make you … Read more »

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Book Launch at the Wiener Library – 7 February 2018

I had the Launch of my second book at the Wiener Library in January 2016 and it was a great … Read more »

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Publication of ‘Women’s Experiences in the Holocaust’

My third book is now for sale. It is called ‘Women’s Experiences in the Holocaust: In their own words’ because … Read more »

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