Since the publication of my books I have had a variety of speaking engagements in the UK , the US, Germany and Romania. I am available for media interviews and speaking engagements about my story and my three books. I am also experienced in chairing meetings and conferences and participating in panel discussions. Please contact me to discuss any of these events and to book me for your event.
Future Activities
21 April 2020 – Jewish Historical Society of Essex – at 8.00pm – Talk on the ceramicist Grete Marks – at KKS High School, Forest Road, Ilford IG6 3HB.
January 2021 – HMD Lecture at Lincoln University – details to be confirmed.
Past Activities:
5 February 2020 – Prior’s Field School, Godalming
Spoke to a very large group of girls about my book ‘Women’s Experiences in the Holocaust’ and presented a copy of the book to the Headmistress for the School Library. Had an excellent Lunch in the Dining Room with some of the teachers.
30 January 2020 – HMD event at Sheffield Hallam University –
A good turnout and we lit a faux candle in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. Good event, enlivened by a power failure in the area. Fortunately the power came back on for most of the talk so I could show my PowerPoint.
25 January 2020 – Lecture at Uxbridge Library
A return visit after 3 years to speak about my book on Holocaust rescuers ‘The Other Schindlers’. 80 people turned up and were very appreciative – sold quite a few books. Very pleased to meet the Mayor of Hillingdon who told me they had kept all 17 libraries in the borough of open.
2 December 2019 – Lecture and workshop at Nottingham Trent University
20 November 2019 – Visit to Romania for Book Launch of Romanian translation of ‘The Other Schindlers’ see Blog.
I November 2019 – Lecture at Sheffield Women’s Lecture Club at the Mercure Hotel.
An amazing event – over 100 for the Lunch and then at least another 100 for the lecture. Well received, good questions and sold quite a lot of the women’s book. With the President, Mrs Joy Bowler.
5 September 2019 – Lecture at Pallant House Gallery, Chichester on the remarkable ceramicist Grete Marks who is in the book on women (paperback edition). This was part of the Insiders/ Outsiders Festival about refugees to the UK from Nazi-occupied countries and I was very honoured to be asked.I did a great deal of new research on her for this lecture and found some amazing material about the children of her first marriage and her mother’s murder at Sobibor. Photo shows the audience watching my presentation with a photo of Grete around 1925.
21 -25 May 2019 – Second visit to Giessen University and two local schools. I was pleased to be invited for a second visit to speak at the University and a school I had visited in 2017. The Seminar I gave went well and the picture shows some of the Ph.D. students present, who also looked after me very well during my trip. The trip was only spoilt by British Airways cancelling my flight home without telling me. I am still arguing with them about it!!!

Left to Right: Nicole, Janine, Agnes, Randi and Alix.
4/5 May 2019 – Lovely weekend spent with the Ratz family in Woodmere Community, New York. Very honoured to be invited to speak at their Rosh Chodesh ‘Third Meal’ Suedah Shlishit – I sat amongst the Rabbis and addressed around 165 people mostly men but there were also quite a few women. Jeffery Ratz said they had never had so many people come along. A unique experience for me.
3 May 2019 – Keynote speaker at Chhange’s New Jersey Yom HaShoah event. See News12’s clip on this link
These lovely sailors from the nearby Station Earle supported the Holocaust survivors. Great plug for my book and we also sold several copies. The sailors were so pleased to be present and we are now Facebook friends.
26 -31 March – Lecture & discussions with students at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee.
14 March 2019 – ‘Meet the Author’ at Imperial War Museum, London
21 February 2019 – spoke at Beckenham Historical Association on my story and the women’s book.
7 February 2019 – Exeter HMD event. Very successful – Dinner with the Lord Mayor & Consort and good audience for my talk. We sold out of the women’s book and I had the chance to visit the beautiful little Exeter Synagogue – third oldest in the country. An absolute gem.
22 January 2019 – Sir Martin Gilbert Learning Centre at Highgate Synagogue – see entry for Sir Martin Gilbert.
4 November 2018 – South Hampstead Synagogue Book Club
12 October 2018 at 2.00pm – Hasmonean School – Girls
8 October 2018 at 2.00pm – Cambridge
I spoke to the Cambridge Jewish Cultural Group at the home of Valerie and Michael Berkson. A good audience and interesting questions. Someone present told me she had been born in the Budapest Ghetto just days before the Liberation. She has promised to send me her story.
6 October 2018 at 3.00pm – Henley Literary Festival
This was a return visit after a very successful talk in September 2016. I spoke about the women’s book as well as my family’s story. Increased audience of 150 this time. See review: Though not sure why she said I was ill at ease – I was perfectly happy.
30 May 2018 at 6.30pm – Goodenough College
A return visit to speak about the new book. I spoke at one of their regular Port Dinners. There was a good audience and some excellent questions.
15 March 2018 – I was part of a panel podcast for London’s ‘Jewish Views’ – you can listen to it here. Here I am with my book, Phil Dave, the presenter, and the rest of the panel.
I visited several venues in Frankfurt in early October and have been asked to return to the University in Giessen later this year to talk about the new women’s book. A blog on my trip to Germany is now available here.
On 20 November 2017 I spoke at Oxford Brookes University (OBU) to the students of Marius Turda’s students studying Racism in the ‘Advances Study in the History of Ideas’ course. The students were very receptive and asked some good questions. One student told Professor Turda that my lecture was the highlight of his time at OBU. What a compliment!!!
3 July 2017 – Society for Jewish Study at Josephs’ Bookshop
I spoke to a good audience in the Café at the bookshop – there were some good questions.
9 March 2017 – Jewish Care Home, Golders Green Road,
I spoke to an interested audience at this Home. The audience was very enthusiastic and asked some good questions.
28 January 2017 – Uxbridge Library, UB8 1HD
I spoke to a good audience in the modern library for Holocaust Memorial Day. Uxbridge seems to have a very good programme of speakers and the audience was very interested and asked some excellent questions.
11 January 2017 – Spiro Ark event at HGSS – Norris Lea Synagogue N2 0RE
I spoke for Spiro Ark at Hampstead Garden Suburb Synagogue. There was an excellent audience of about 80 people and some great questions. I also sold and signed some books..
29 September 10.30 – Henley Literary Festival.
I gave my PowerPoint presentation about my family in the Holocaust and how I came to write my books and the stories in them. My talk was followed by a book signing. Further details from . See separate news blog with photos.
5 May 2016 at 7.15 pm- Edgware United Synagogue Yom HaShoah event.
I spoke at the synagogue on Thursday 5 May to a good sized audience. Books were available for purchase and signing.
4 May 2016 at 7.00pm – Southend and Westcliff Yom HaShoah event.
I was the Keynote speaker at this annual event for the Southend Jewish Community and Guests. Yom HaShoah is the day chosen by the Israeli Knesset in 1951 to mark the Holocaust (Shoah). The date is the 27 of Nisan in the Hebrew calendar which marks the start of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in 1943. I was very well received by a large audience and was looked after extremely well by Kevin Leigh with Lunch at a seafront fish restaurant.
17 March 2016 at 12.45 at Westminster Citiwoman’s Dining Club
The Lunch was held at the Royal Medical Society, 1 Wimpole Street, London and afterwards I showed my PowerPoint and spoke about my family’s experience of the Holocaust in Hungary and then how I came to write my books and told some of the stories in my new book ‘Who Betrayed the Jews?’ It was very well received and there were lots of good questions and discussion.
26 January 2016 at 4.00pm at Foreign & Commonwealth Office
After Professor Dan Michman from Yad Vashem spoke about the theme of ‘Don’t Stand By’ I gave my personal perspective as a child of the Holocaust at an HMD event organised for diplomats and embassy staff.
9 November 2015 – Goodenough College, London
After a very jolly dinner where I sat in ‘Queen Mary’s chair’, I spoke to a very full room to a very receptive audience. Apparently the only person to get a larger audience was the US ambassador.
Yom Ha Shoah – North West Surrey Synagogue – 15 April 2015

Agnes with Rabbi Zucker
On 15 April 2015 I was the keynote speaker at the Synagogue’s annual Yom Ha Shoah ceremony in Weybridge. I was very well received by an audience of around 80 and several books were bought.
HMD 2015 – 21 January 2015
I made my sixth visit to the Port Talbot and Neath College where I spoke to 130 students and staff. I have written a blog about my visit, using some of the feedback from the students. ( See 18 March Blog link on Home page.)
Holocaust Memorial Day Trust and Picturehouse project for HMD January 2014.
I am delighted to say that following 2013’s success with this project for schools, it was repeated in January 2014. I spoke to schools in Brighton (21 Jan.) and Finchley (25 Jan.) at the Phoenix local cinema. If you would like to participate in 2015 contact HMDT for more information.
Holocaust Memorial Day Trust Workshop for Members of Local Authorities – 8 October 2013 at 2.00pm.
The presentation was very well received by a very mixed audience. See photo below:
Foreign and Commonwealth Office – 24 Sept. 2013 at 13.00
I spoke at the FCO on Whitehall to a very attentive audience and was very well received.
Bedford Refugee Week – 17 June 2013 at 7.00pm
A very full hall listened to my presentation and a good discussion followed.
Sue Ryder, Welwyn Garden City – 10 April 2013 at 7.00pm
Another successful event with good sales.
Wiener Library – 14 February 2013 – 11.30-12.30
I spoke at the Wiener Library at 29 Russell Square – lots of interest and some good questions.
Croydon Holocaust Memorial Day Event – 28 January 2013
I spoke at the Croydon Civic HMD event at the Town Hall which was well received. As a small girl I used to travel to Croydon on the trolleybus from Sutton to see my Daddy at work in the early 1950s. It was only when I was leaving the Town Hall that I realised it was just round the corner from where my Daddy had his workshop. A report of the event with a photo is available at:
Cllr. and Mrs. Eddy Arram, The Mayor and Lady Mayoress of Croydon with Agnes at the Town Hall. Hammerson House – 21 January 2013 I spoke at the residential care home Hammerson House on 21 January 2013 at 3.00pm.
Picture House Talks for Schools – January 2013
The Holocaust Memorial Day Trust and the Picture House group of cinemas had a joint project for schools at various venues round the country to mark Holocaust Memorial Day 2013. I spoke at a number of venues. One student from the Brixton event said: ‘I enjoyed the session, it was really informative . Listening to Agnes gave the emotional side of things and it was really interesting to hear about the perspective of the Holocaust from someone who was a child at the time and how this has gone onto affect her life’ A teacher from Greenwich said it was the best talk she had ever heard.
B’Nai B’Rith Yad B’Yad Lodge – Pinner: 16 January 2013
I spoke to this group on 16 January. My talk was well received with good questions and several people told me interesting family stories which I will follow up. I was delighted to meet up with old friends Barbara and Anthony Nicholls who proposed the vote of thanks and gave me a donation for Jewish Women’s Aid. He revealed our joint hidden past when in 1963 we saw the Beatles perform at Fairfield Halls in Croydon. There was no security in those days and we wandered backstage and met Ringo Starr, George Harrison and John Lennon and I got them to autograph my programme. I think Paul McCartney must have been in the loo because we didn’t see him. Various attempts to get his autograph subsequently have been unsuccessful!!
Glasgow Yom Hashoah Commemoration: 18 April 2012
I spoke at the Glasgow Jewish Representative Council annual Yom Hashoah event on Wednesday 18 April 2012.A full report of my visit is at
Hill House Care Home, Elstree: 8 February 2012 at 2.30pm
I spoke at the BUPA Care Home Hill House on Elstree Hill South, Elstree, Herts WD6 3DE on 8 February to a mixed audience of residents and guests. The Activities Organiser, Silvia Shillingford had organised the event and my presentation was well received with some buying books which I signed for them.
British Library Friends: 7 February 2012
I spoke to the Friends of the British Library in the Conservation Department. The event was well attended and again my presentation was well received with some good questions. Again several people bought books which I signed. Michael Leapman, Editor of the Friends Newsletter wrote a review of my talk for the Summer 2012 edition. See page 6 on the following link.
Visit to Wales: 23 January 2012
I visited Port Talbot and Neath College, following up my visit in April 2010. I am writing a blog about the trip and it will be posted as soon as possible. I was excited to see the College’s Holocaust Memorial Garden which I opened on my last visit. I was very moved to plant a tree in memory of my maternal grandfather, Armin Klein, who was killed at Auschwitz. In the evening I was at the Cwmbran Stadium, representing the HMD Trustees for the Launch of Wales’ Holocaust Memorial Week which was attended by Carwyn Jones, the First Minister.
Holocaust Memorial Day Trust – Creative Writing Project 2012: 16 January 2012 at 11.30 at Shirley Library
As part of the build up to HMD 2012, I spoke at Shirley Library with my PowerPoint presentation. The room was packed and there was an interesting Q and A session which concluded with a discussion on what is the best age to tell children about the Holocaust.
The Koestler Trust – Serving Prisoners Art Project: July -November 2011
Named after Arthur Koestler, a Hungarian Jew who was a Holocaust survivor, The Koestler Awards have been running for 49 years and attract about 6,000 entries in different art forms from prisons and probation services across the UK. Each year a selection of these entries is showcased at an exhibition at the Royal Festival Hall, London. Volunteer curators choose the exhibits for the exhibition which are available for sale. This year the curators were 12 magistrates who were chosen from all over the country. I applied after I saw an article in the March 2011 edition of ‘The Magistrate’ – my eye was caught by Koestler’s name as I had researched his book ‘Scum of the Earth’ in which he describes his imprisonment in the dreadful French concentration camp Le Vernet. I was very excited to be one of the 12 magistrates – read my blog about this important and unique project. The Koestler Trust has a video of our curating on its website. I also had a mention in ‘The Daily Telegraph’ with one of my favourite pieces from the exhibition.
Remembrance Week – Interview on Doncaster Radio Sine FM 102.6: 10 November 2011 at 11.00am
I was interviewed by Sheila North of Sine FM, a community radio station in Doncaster, on 10 November 2011 at 11.00am. The interview was to mark Remembrance Day on Sheila’s regular book programme ‘Book It’. A podcast is now available
Leeds Jewish Historical Society: 7 November 2011
I gave a presentation to the Leeds Jewish Historical Society which was well received. Here is a photo of me signing books with the Chair, Murray Weiner.
History Today: September 2011
My letter about Varian Fry being the connection between Hannah Arendt and Hiram Bingham III was published in the September edition of ‘History Today’ . See my blog by clicking
Interview on the Howard Leader Programme for BBC Radio Lincolnshire and Radio Humberside – 18 September at 15.00
I was interviewed live by Howard Leader an actor and interviewer who like me loves Edith Piaf and the colour blue. The interview was available on their website Radio Lincolnshire and we will replace it shortly on the website.
BBC World Service interview – 14 August 2011.
You can listen to this interview by clicking this link – 20 Jul 2011
BBC2′s ‘Antiques Master Quiz’
Sutton High School for Girls – GDST: 14 May 2011 I attended Sutton High School (GDST) in Surrey 1955-63. I was taught History by Miss Lucy Clarke who was a charismatic teacher and much loved by her pupils. There is an acknowledgement of Miss Clarke’s influence on page 12 of ‘The Other Schindlers’. On 14 May, at the Old Girls’ Day, I presented a copy of my book to the School Library where as a young girl I spent many happy hours. I particularly remember pouring over the old bound copies of Punch from the Victorians and how much knowledge of that period I learnt came from that journal and its wonderful cartoons. They gave a refugee child an invaluable insight into England and its ways. Friends Meeting House, Euston Road, London: 24 November 2010 I was invited to speak at the Quakers Meeting House on Euston Road. Bertha Bracey, the Quaker woman that I wrote about in my book and proposed for recognition as a British Hero of the Holocaust, is honoured there by a sculpture. It was created by Naomi Blake, one of the Kinder saved by the Kindertransport which Bertha did so much to create. Be sheer coincidence, David Clark, one of the people at that talk, was amazed to find a photograph of his Grandfather, Siegmund Weltlinger, in my book (Plate 36). David has been able to give me much more information about his grandparents’ experiences in hiding in Berlin throughout WW2 and this information appears in the Postscript to the paperback edition which is due out in August 2011.

Agnes and Naomi Blake’s sculpture
Interview on Radio 4’s ‘Sunday Programme’, 8 August 2010 I was surprised at how many people heard the interview with William Crawley early on Sunday morning which was well received. ‘Conversation’ at the Jewish Museum with Henry Grunwald QC, 25 July 2010. I was delighted to be invited to the Jewish Museum for a most enjoyable ‘conversation’ about my book with Henry Grunwald who is a colleague from the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust and a former President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews. Channel 4’s ‘Five O’Clock Show’ – Interview with Fern Britton, 21 July 2010. I thoroughly enjoyed my first experience of appearing on TV. On the show Fern Britton was well prepared, having obviously read the book and asked me thoughtful questions. She held it up to the camera several times and everyone looked after me very well. Sheffield Book Launch at the Cutlers’ Hall, Sheffield 12 July 2010 The Company of Cutlers in Hallamshire is one of the few livery companies outside London. The Master Cutler, James Newman, generously hosted a Book Launch for me at the Cutlers Hall on 12 July 2010. It was serendipity that the publication of my book coincided with James being the first Jewish Master Cutler since the office was created in 1624. London Book Launch at the Board of Deputies, 9 June 2010. Thanks to the kindness of the President, Vivian Wineman, I was able to hold my London Book Launch at the Board of Deputies. With a background of Klezmer clarinet music my three sons, several colleagues and friends came to support me and buy books which I signed. My commissioning editor, Simon Hamlet, from The History Press spoke about the book. Vivian Wineman and I also said a few words. Gordon Gibb, an architect colleague, took some wonderful photos displayed on this website and several of my informants were able to be present. It was a splendid launch for my book.